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8th Internationnal Conference- ALAN 2023
The 8th conference was held in Calgary (Canada) from August 10-13, 2023.
108 people attended in person and about 50 in virtual delegates from 28 countries. The 8th conference consisted of:
The 8th conference was held in Calgary (Canada) from August 10-13, 2023.
108 people attended in person and about 50 in virtual delegates from 28 countries. The 8th conference consisted of:
- 6 plenary sessions
- 5 parallel sessions
- 6 invited speakers
- 53 contributed talks
- 3 virtual poster sessions on July 21-22 using environment designed by Virtual Chair and in-person on August 11-13 with xx presentations incuding elevator pitches
ALAN 2023- Participants (some participants not in photo, photo-crédit: Phil Langill)
ALAN 2023- Team of Chairs
In the photo in front:
Laura Costa Ferrer, Jessica Heim, Daphne Chevalier, Annette Krop-Benesch, Amy Jackson, Lin Meng, Carrie Ann Adams, Zhuosen Wang
In the photo behind:
Nicola van Koppenhagen, Christopher Kyba, Nahum Gabinet, Hector Linares Arroy, Doug Sam, Dietrich Henckel, Franz Holker, Diane Turnshek, Ruben Evens, Eva Schernhammer,
Laura Costa Ferrer, Jessica Heim, Daphne Chevalier, Annette Krop-Benesch, Amy Jackson, Lin Meng, Carrie Ann Adams, Zhuosen Wang
In the photo behind:
Nicola van Koppenhagen, Christopher Kyba, Nahum Gabinet, Hector Linares Arroy, Doug Sam, Dietrich Henckel, Franz Holker, Diane Turnshek, Ruben Evens, Eva Schernhammer,
ALAN 2023- More pictures- Great souvenirs! (coming soon...)
Photos Credit: JRoby
Photos Credit: JRoby
7th Internationnal Conference- ALAN 2021 - eALAN
The 7th conference took place online from June 15 to June 17, 2021 using environment designed by Virtual Chair. 196 people attended eALAN conference from different countries.
The 7th conference consisted of:
- 2 live sessions, 1 watch party and 1 poster session per conference day
- 6 invited speakers
- 38 contributed talks
- 47 posters presentations
- ALAN Programme [PDF (95 kB)
- ALAN Conference Abstracts Book [PDF, 28.5 Mo]
ALAN 2021- Participants (some participants not in photo)
6th Internationnal Conference- ALAN 2020 - eALAN
The 6th conference took place online on June 16, 2020 using the Zoom platform.
eALAN took place in three staggered sessions to allow participants to attend at least one or two of the sessions, regardless of where they live on Earth.
More than 200 people attended from different countries.
5th Internationnal Conference- ALAN 2018 Salt Lake City
The 5th conference was held in Salt Lake City (United States) from November 12-14, 2018.
More than 100 people attended from different countries. The 5th conference consisted of:
The 5th conference was held in Salt Lake City (United States) from November 12-14, 2018.
More than 100 people attended from different countries. The 5th conference consisted of:
- 6 plenary sessions
- 3 parallel sessions
- 8 invited speakers
- 40 contributed talks
- 2 poster sessions with 36 presentations incuding 2 poster sessions elevator pitches
- ALAN Programme [PDF, 23/11/18 (128kB)
- ALAN Conference Abstracts Book [PDF, 5,20 Mo]
Best Poster Presentation Award (80USD+20EUR)
to: Alexandre Simoneau
Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, Canada,
Cegep de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada,
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada

Poster Title:
Hyperspectral study of the impact of private lighting on
skyglow at the Asiago Observatory, Italy
to view the poster, click here
ALAN 2018- Participants (some participants not in photo)
4th Internationnal Conference- ALAN 2016
The 4th conference was held in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) from September 26-28, 2016. More than 100 people attended from different countries. The fourth conference consisted of:
- 7 plenary sessions
- 2 parallel sessions
- 12 invited speakers
- 32 contributed talks
- 2 poster sessions with 42 presentations incuding 2 poster sessions elevator pitches
- ALAN Programme [PDF, 19/10/16 (127kB)]
- ALAN Conference Abstracts Book [PDF, 20,4 Mo]
Best Poster Presentation Award (100€)
to: Thomas Raap
University of Antwerp, Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology Group, Belgium
to: Thomas Raap
University of Antwerp, Behavioural Ecology and Ecophysiology Group, Belgium
Poster Title:
Light pollution affects body mass and oxidative status in free-living nestling songbirds: an experimental study- to view the poster click here |
Left to right: Thomas Raap (winner), Barbara Helm (session chair), and Dr Christopher Kyba (ALAN Steering Committee)
ALAN 2016 participants (some participants not in photo)- Cluj-Napoca, Roumania
Photo credit: Zoltán Kolláth
ALAN 2016- More pictures- Great souvenirs!
Photos Credit: Rainer Stock
Photos Credit: Rainer Stock
3rd International Conference -ALAN 2015
The 3rd conference was held in Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) from May 29-31, 2015. More than 110 people attended from ten countries. Sherbrooke is a city involved in regards to preserving the nighttime environment. Sherbrooke was proud to receive for its first time in North America, the ALAN Conference.. Indeed, the first International Dark Sky Reserve was established in 2007 in the Parc du Mont Mégantic, after extensive street lighting conversion which Sherbrooke was part of. The third conference consisted of:
3rd International Conference -ALAN 2015
The 3rd conference was held in Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) from May 29-31, 2015. More than 110 people attended from ten countries. Sherbrooke is a city involved in regards to preserving the nighttime environment. Sherbrooke was proud to receive for its first time in North America, the ALAN Conference.. Indeed, the first International Dark Sky Reserve was established in 2007 in the Parc du Mont Mégantic, after extensive street lighting conversion which Sherbrooke was part of. The third conference consisted of:
- 6 plenary sessions
- 2 parallel sessions
- 9 invited speakers
- 40 contributed talks
- 1 poster session with 10 presentations
- ALAN Programme [PDF, 29/05/15 (345kB)]
- ALAN Conference Abstracts Book [PDF, 2 215kB]
IDA Dark Sky Defender Award awarded to:
Mr. Pierre Goulet, Director of Mont-Mégantic National Park (2000-2015), Québec, Canada
Mr. Pierre Goulet, Director of Mont-Mégantic National Park (2000-2015), Québec, Canada
Left to right:
Dr Martin Aubé, physicist in the Light Pollution Group at Cégep de Sherbrooke, Mr. Pierre Goulet, Award Winner, Dr Johanne Roby, chemist in the Light Pollution Group at Cégep de Sherbrooke, Mr. Scott Feierabend, Executive Director, International Dark Sky Association Best Poster Presentation Award (100$)
to: Students of Cégep de Sherbrooke Left to right:
Dr Christopher Kyba, Steering Committee-ALAN. Students from Light Pollution Group at Cégep de Sherbrooke: Catherine Bernard, Vincent Bernard-Larocque, Thomas Clapperton and Andréa Lauzon |
For the last 15 years, Pierre Goulet has worked at Mont-Mégantic national park with great professionalism, determination, vision and passion. He is the pioneer of the first International Dark Sky Reserve recognized by the International Dark Sky Association in 2007. This award recognizes the exceptional career, support and personal investment of a man for the protection of the night sky.
Depuis 15 ans, Pierre Goulet a œuvré au parc national du Mont Mégantic avec beaucoup de professionnalisme, de détermination, de vision et de passion. Il est le chef d’orchestre de la première réserve internationale de ciel étoilé reconnue par l’International Dark Sky Association. Ce prix veut souligner l’exceptionnelle carrière, support et investissement personnel d’un homme pour la protection du ciel étoilé. Poster Title:
An Experimental Platform to Study the Impact of Artificial Light on Flora. |
IDA Recognition to the First International Dark Sky Reserve-Mont-Mégantic, Québec, Canada
Left to right:
Mr. Pierre Goulet, Director of Mont-Mégantic National Park (2000-2015), Mr. Jim Dougerthy, President of International Dark Sky Association, Mr. Bernard Malenfant, Founder, ASTROLab of Mont-Mégantic |
ALAN 2015- News wire
January 13, 2015: À Sherbrooke : Congrès international sur l’éclairage de nuit - Magazine Électricité Plus (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
March 2015: Sherbrooke-Innopole Blogue
May 7, 2015: Réunion scientifique et congrès à Sherbrooke sur l’éclairage artificiel de nuit -Magazine Électricité Plus (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 18, 2015: Deux congrès sur la pollution lumineuse organisés par le Cégep- Cégep-Inter, Cégep de Sherbrooke
May 22, 2015: Congrès LPTMM 2015 et ALAN 2015 - Cégep de Sherbrooke
May 25, 2015: L'Estrie reçoit 2 congrès prestigieux sur la lumière artificielle - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 16h36 (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 27, 2015: Pollution lumineuse - C'est pas trop tôt en Estrie - 6h29 (Sébastien Giguère, ASTROLab)
May 27, 2015: La réserve de ciel étoilé du Mont-Mégantic s'étiole - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 17h22 (Martin Aubé, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 29, 2015: L'éclairage artificiel perturbe la vie des animaux - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 16h17 (Arnaud Da Silva, Europe)
May 29, 2015: Press Release: International Partnerships Are Critical in Protecting the Night Sky
May 30, 2015: Le combat contre la pollution lumineuse- ICI-Radio-Canada (Martin Aubé and Sébastien Giguère)
May 30, 2015: La lumière nuit à la santé- La Tribune and (Johanne Roby)
May 31, 2015: La lumière artificielle est néfaste pour la santé- ICI- radio Canada (Johanne Roby and Olivier Domingue, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 31, 2015: Artificial Light at Night 2015 - Sherbrooke, Quebec Happenings and reports from the third international conference- by Travis Longcore
June 1, 2015: «Les gens ne connaissent pas tous les effets négatifs de l'éclairage artificiel»- La Tribune and (Johanne Roby)
June 1, 2015: Des étudiants remportent un prix au congrès ALAN 2015 - Cégep de Sherbroke
June 4, 2015: Grand rayonnement pour les congrès sur la pollution lumineuse - Cégep de Sherbrooke
June 4, 2015: Pourquoi craindre la lumière artificielle - Radio Canada - Vancouver -8h52 (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
March 2015: Sherbrooke-Innopole Blogue
May 7, 2015: Réunion scientifique et congrès à Sherbrooke sur l’éclairage artificiel de nuit -Magazine Électricité Plus (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 18, 2015: Deux congrès sur la pollution lumineuse organisés par le Cégep- Cégep-Inter, Cégep de Sherbrooke
May 22, 2015: Congrès LPTMM 2015 et ALAN 2015 - Cégep de Sherbrooke
May 25, 2015: L'Estrie reçoit 2 congrès prestigieux sur la lumière artificielle - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 16h36 (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 27, 2015: Pollution lumineuse - C'est pas trop tôt en Estrie - 6h29 (Sébastien Giguère, ASTROLab)
May 27, 2015: La réserve de ciel étoilé du Mont-Mégantic s'étiole - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 17h22 (Martin Aubé, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 29, 2015: L'éclairage artificiel perturbe la vie des animaux - Écoutez l'Estrie- Radio-Canada- at 16h17 (Arnaud Da Silva, Europe)
May 29, 2015: Press Release: International Partnerships Are Critical in Protecting the Night Sky
May 30, 2015: Le combat contre la pollution lumineuse- ICI-Radio-Canada (Martin Aubé and Sébastien Giguère)
May 30, 2015: La lumière nuit à la santé- La Tribune and (Johanne Roby)
May 31, 2015: La lumière artificielle est néfaste pour la santé- ICI- radio Canada (Johanne Roby and Olivier Domingue, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
May 31, 2015: Artificial Light at Night 2015 - Sherbrooke, Quebec Happenings and reports from the third international conference- by Travis Longcore
June 1, 2015: «Les gens ne connaissent pas tous les effets négatifs de l'éclairage artificiel»- La Tribune and (Johanne Roby)
June 1, 2015: Des étudiants remportent un prix au congrès ALAN 2015 - Cégep de Sherbroke
June 4, 2015: Grand rayonnement pour les congrès sur la pollution lumineuse - Cégep de Sherbrooke
June 4, 2015: Pourquoi craindre la lumière artificielle - Radio Canada - Vancouver -8h52 (Johanne Roby, Cégep de Sherbrooke)
ALAN 2015- More pictures- Great souvenirs
Credit Photos: Johanne Roby, Mihai Razvan Pecingina, Ville de Sherbrooke
Credit Photos: Johanne Roby, Mihai Razvan Pecingina, Ville de Sherbrooke
ALAN 2015 participants (not all on the picture group)- Sherbrooke-Canada
Aronson Kristan; Queen's University, Ontario Canada
Aubé Martin; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Azam Clémentine; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
Barentine John; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Bernard Catherine; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Bernard-Larocque Vincent; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Beslisle Myriam; Sherbrooke Innopole, Canada
Blanchette-Gobeil William; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Bouchard Luc; WSP, Canada
Boucher Rémi; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Boulet Bernard; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Brazeau Éric; LEKLA, Canada
Buchanan Bryant; Utica College, USA
Chapman Mike; SOLIS, Australia
Charron Claude; Ville de Sherbrooke, Canada
Chinnis Darcie; Clanton & Associates, USA
Clanton Nancy; Clanton & Associates, USA
Clapperton Thomas; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Couture Daphnée; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Da Silva Arnaud; Max Planck Institute, Germany
Dannemann Etta; Studio Dinnebier / Philips Color Kinetics, Germany
Dechesne Roland G.; Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Canada
Déry-Rouleau Gabrielle; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Dick Robert; Royal Astronomical Society of Canada / Canadian Scotobiology Group, Canada
Domingue Olivier; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Dougherty Jim; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Duriscoe Dan M.; US National Park Service, USA
Feierabend Scott; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Fontaine Patrick; LEKLA, Canada
Freyssinier Jean Paul; Lighting Research Center, USA
Gaetano Laurie; International Dark Sky Park, USA
Gagné Gabriella; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Giguère Sébastien; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Goulet Pierre; Mount-Megantic National Park,Canada
Hamdache Hamza; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Hänel Andreas; Museum am Schölerberg, Planetarium, Germany
Harp Kyle; University of California, USA
Henckel Dietrich; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Houle Simon; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Kardel W.; Scott International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Kyba Christopher; Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Germany
Laprise Marie-Hélène; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Lauzon Andrea; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Lavallée Jean-Pierre; LEKLA, Canada
Lemieux Marie-Claude; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Leung Cheung Sze; IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Longchamps Jean-François; Ealux, Canada
Longcore Jerry; USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, USA
Longcore Joyce; University of Maine, USA
Longcore Travis; University of Southern California, USA
M'seffar Sara; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Malenfant Bernard; President-Fondateur, ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Marceau Sébastien; LEKLA, Canada
McGowan Terry; American Lighting Association / IEEE / Lighting Ideas, USA
Meier Josiane; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Miller Naomi; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Mohar Andrej; Dark Sky, Slovenia
Morgan-Taylor Martin; de Montfort University, UK
Morin-Paulhus Antoine; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Motta Mario; Tufts Medical School, USA
Murphy Robert; Eaton Cooper Lighting, Canada
Netzel Henryka; Institute of Astronomy / University of Wroclaw / University of Cincinnati, USA
Newman Rhian C.; Cardiff University, UK
Nicholas Simon; Fleet Link, UK
Paul Clifford; Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources, Canada
Pecingina Mihai R.; International Dark-Sky Association - Québec, Canada
Pendoley Kellie; Pendoley Environmental Pty Ltd, Australia
Perkin Elizabeth; Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Perreault Alexis; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Philibert Denis; Eaton Cooper Lighting, Canada
Poulin Carina; Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Pratte Jeanne; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Pritchard Sara; Cornell University, USA
Pun Chun Shing Jason; University of Hong Kong, Japan
Ribas Salvador J.; Parc Astronòmic Montsec, Spain
Roby Johanne; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Rodriguez Christophe; Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Roy Denis; Philips Canada
Ryan Robert; Australia
Sánchez de Miguel Alejandro; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Schulte-Römer Nona; WZB –-Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Seitinger Susanne; Philips Lighting, USA
Shotbolt Tim; Australia
St-John Malcom; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Stewart Adams Mary; Headlands International Dark Sky Park, USA
Straw Will; McGill University, Canada
Sullivan S. Mažeika P.; Ohio State University, USA
Tong Kai Pong; Univertät Bremen, Germany
Tousignant Nathalie; Philips, Canada
Walker Constance E.; National Optical Astronomy Observatory, USA
Welch David; IUCN Dark Skies Advisory Group
Wise Sharon E.; Utica College, USA
Aubé Martin; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Azam Clémentine; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
Barentine John; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Bernard Catherine; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Bernard-Larocque Vincent; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Beslisle Myriam; Sherbrooke Innopole, Canada
Blanchette-Gobeil William; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Bouchard Luc; WSP, Canada
Boucher Rémi; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Boulet Bernard; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Brazeau Éric; LEKLA, Canada
Buchanan Bryant; Utica College, USA
Chapman Mike; SOLIS, Australia
Charron Claude; Ville de Sherbrooke, Canada
Chinnis Darcie; Clanton & Associates, USA
Clanton Nancy; Clanton & Associates, USA
Clapperton Thomas; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Couture Daphnée; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Da Silva Arnaud; Max Planck Institute, Germany
Dannemann Etta; Studio Dinnebier / Philips Color Kinetics, Germany
Dechesne Roland G.; Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Canada
Déry-Rouleau Gabrielle; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Dick Robert; Royal Astronomical Society of Canada / Canadian Scotobiology Group, Canada
Domingue Olivier; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Dougherty Jim; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Duriscoe Dan M.; US National Park Service, USA
Feierabend Scott; International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Fontaine Patrick; LEKLA, Canada
Freyssinier Jean Paul; Lighting Research Center, USA
Gaetano Laurie; International Dark Sky Park, USA
Gagné Gabriella; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Giguère Sébastien; ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Goulet Pierre; Mount-Megantic National Park,Canada
Hamdache Hamza; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Hänel Andreas; Museum am Schölerberg, Planetarium, Germany
Harp Kyle; University of California, USA
Henckel Dietrich; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Houle Simon; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Kardel W.; Scott International Dark-Sky Association, USA
Kyba Christopher; Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, Germany
Laprise Marie-Hélène; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Lauzon Andrea; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Lavallée Jean-Pierre; LEKLA, Canada
Lemieux Marie-Claude; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Leung Cheung Sze; IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Longchamps Jean-François; Ealux, Canada
Longcore Jerry; USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, USA
Longcore Joyce; University of Maine, USA
Longcore Travis; University of Southern California, USA
M'seffar Sara; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Malenfant Bernard; President-Fondateur, ASTROLab, Mont-Mégantic, Canada
Marceau Sébastien; LEKLA, Canada
McGowan Terry; American Lighting Association / IEEE / Lighting Ideas, USA
Meier Josiane; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Miller Naomi; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Mohar Andrej; Dark Sky, Slovenia
Morgan-Taylor Martin; de Montfort University, UK
Morin-Paulhus Antoine; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Motta Mario; Tufts Medical School, USA
Murphy Robert; Eaton Cooper Lighting, Canada
Netzel Henryka; Institute of Astronomy / University of Wroclaw / University of Cincinnati, USA
Newman Rhian C.; Cardiff University, UK
Nicholas Simon; Fleet Link, UK
Paul Clifford; Unama'ki Institute of Natural Resources, Canada
Pecingina Mihai R.; International Dark-Sky Association - Québec, Canada
Pendoley Kellie; Pendoley Environmental Pty Ltd, Australia
Perkin Elizabeth; Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Perreault Alexis; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Philibert Denis; Eaton Cooper Lighting, Canada
Poulin Carina; Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Pratte Jeanne; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Pritchard Sara; Cornell University, USA
Pun Chun Shing Jason; University of Hong Kong, Japan
Ribas Salvador J.; Parc Astronòmic Montsec, Spain
Roby Johanne; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Rodriguez Christophe; Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Roy Denis; Philips Canada
Ryan Robert; Australia
Sánchez de Miguel Alejandro; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Schulte-Römer Nona; WZB –-Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Seitinger Susanne; Philips Lighting, USA
Shotbolt Tim; Australia
St-John Malcom; Cégep de Sherbrooke, Canada
Stewart Adams Mary; Headlands International Dark Sky Park, USA
Straw Will; McGill University, Canada
Sullivan S. Mažeika P.; Ohio State University, USA
Tong Kai Pong; Univertät Bremen, Germany
Tousignant Nathalie; Philips, Canada
Walker Constance E.; National Optical Astronomy Observatory, USA
Welch David; IUCN Dark Skies Advisory Group
Wise Sharon E.; Utica College, USA
2nd International Conference - ALAN 2014
The 2nd ALAN conference was held in Leicester (UK) on Sept. 2-4, 2014.
- 5 plenary sessions with 8 invited speakers
- 7 parallel sessions with 56 contributed talks
- 1 poster session with 12 presentations
- Programme/Abstract (PDF, 31/08/2014 (186KB))
Best Poster Presentation Award (100€)
To: Alessandro Manfrin
Freie Universität Berlin & Leibniz–Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
To: Alessandro Manfrin
Freie Universität Berlin & Leibniz–Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Poster Title
Does artificial light affect aquatic and terrestrial insect communities ? To view the poster, click here |
IDA Dark Sky Defender Award awarded to:
Mr. Alejandro Sanchez De Miguel ("Cities at Night" Citizen Science campaign)
Mr. Alejandro Sanchez De Miguel ("Cities at Night" Citizen Science campaign)

First honorary Award for Dark Sky Defender offered by International Dark Sky Association (IDA)
Left to right:
Dr Christopher Kyba (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany), Mr. Alejandro Sanchez de Miguel (IDA Dark Sky Defender, Cities at Night Citizen Science campaign) and Mr. Jim Dougherty (President IDA)
Left to right:
Dr Christopher Kyba (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany), Mr. Alejandro Sanchez de Miguel (IDA Dark Sky Defender, Cities at Night Citizen Science campaign) and Mr. Jim Dougherty (President IDA)
1st International Conference -ALAN 2013
Berlin, Germany
The 1st ALAN conference was held in Berlin, Germany from 28-30 October, 2013. 120 people attended from dozens of countries, and featured plenary talks by leaders from research, industries, and government (e.g. Richard Stevens, Kim Baugh, and Volker von Kardorff). The fist conference consisted of:
- 5 plenary sessions with 13 invited speakers
- 3 parallel sessions with 63 contributed talks
- 1 poster session with 12 presentations
- ALAN Programme [PDF, 21/10/13] (525.9 kB)
- ALAN Conference Abstracts Book [PDF, 844.3 kB]